In the picturesque coastal town of Koroni, nestled on the southern coast of the Peloponnese...
Perched majestically upon a rugged promontory, the Castle of Koroni commands a breathtaking view of...
The castle of Methoni stands imposingly on the southwest edge of Peloponnese. It is one of the most...
Two castles are built on the summits of the two hills at the ends of the Bay of Navarino,...
Polylimnio is an earthly paradise in Messinia, near the village Charavgi and is 33 km away from the...
The church of Panagia( is the Greek name of Holy Mary ) Ipapanti is located in Kalamata city. The...
Stenosia waterfalls – The most recent discovery on the Messinian land is this treasure of...
The most well-preserved Mycenaean Palace in Greece is located in the area of Pylia and is Palace of...
The remains of this vast ancient city are as extensive as those of Olympia and Epidavros, yet...