In the picturesque coastal town of Koroni, nestled on the southern coast of the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, residents and visitors alike hold Panagia Eleistria dear. The icon of the Virgin Mary of Mercy has long been a revered symbol […]
In the picturesque coastal town of Koroni, nestled on the southern coast of the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, residents and visitors alike hold Panagia Eleistria dear. The icon of the Virgin Mary of Mercy has long been a revered symbol […]
Perched majestically upon a rugged promontory, the Castle of Koroni commands a breathtaking view of the azure expanse of the Mediterranean Sea. Constructed during the Byzantine era, its formidable walls and robust towers have stood sentinel over centuries of unfolding […]
The castle of Methoni stands imposingly on the southwest edge of Peloponnese. It is one of the most distinctive castle – communities in Greece, with an area of about 93 acres, and at the edge towards the sea there is […]
Two castles are built on the summits of the two hills at the ends of the Bay of Navarino, overlooking the town of Pylos: the older castle of Navarino, called Palaiokastron or Palaionavarinon and the more recent castle, called Niokastron. The […]
Polylimnio is an earthly paradise in Messinia, near the village Charavgi and is 33 km away from the city of Kalamata. Υou will see there lakes and waterfalls on many levels with water passing through the Gorge of Polylimnio. The lakes […]
The church of Panagia( is the Greek name of Holy Mary ) Ipapanti is located in Kalamata city. The church of Panagia Ipapanti in Kalamata that is on the square with the same name, is the Metropolitan church of Kalamata. It was […]
Stenosia waterfalls – The most recent discovery on the Messinian land is this treasure of nature hidden in an inaccessible canyon for decades. It is a verdant “fairyland” like place, where a river (without a name) flows from a waterfall […]
The most well-preserved Mycenaean Palace in Greece is located in the area of Pylia and is Palace of Nestor, the famous king of Pylos. It is located 4 kilometers south of the village of Chora on the hill of Epano […]
The remains of this vast ancient city are as extensive as those of Olympia and Epidavros, yet Ancient Messini receives only a fraction of their visitors. Picturesquely situated on a hillside below the village of Mavromati and still undergoing excavation, […]